What is Holistic Natural Medicine ?
While traditional medicine can provide symptomatic relief for skin issues, some patients feel that the root cause of their issue has not been fully addressed.
If you are looking for treatment options that are gentle, safe, and effective OR are just interested in learning more about holistic approaches to skincare, Natural Way Pediatric Dermatology can help!
Focus on the root problem instead of treating symptoms
Treat the whole body- from gut health to skincare, its all related
Work one on one with a Holistic Pediatric Practioner who cares!
Use scientifically proven botanical and holistic dermatology therapies
Basic Principals of Holistic and Integrative Medicine
Support the Body's Ability to Heal Naturally
Use Natural Science-Based treatment whenever possible
Consider the Whole Person: Mind, Body, Soul
Practioner and Patient working together towards Healing
What is Integrative Medicine and Holistic Dermatology?
Whole Body Holistic Approach
At NWPD we treat a person's body as one unit. The majority of medicine today tends to treat each issue as an isolated occurrence. At NWPD we believe we are one body with many interconnected systems, each with a vital role to play. Including a strong mind-body connection. Your skin is your body's largest organ and in order to treat your skin problem, we may have to address your gut or immune dysfunction.
Natural Evidence-Based Medicine
Whenever possible, we try to use natural products that support the body's ability to heal itself. As holistic Dermatology practitioners we achieve this by trying to identify the root cause of your problem so that we aren't just treating your symptoms. Our medicine is natural but also evidence-based and powerful. We use both the wisdom of hundreds of years of use of botanical medicine but also the latest cutting edge research to determine which herbs and supplements will be safe and effective for you. YES, it really works
Partners in Health
As Naturopathic Practitioners we work together with you on your health care plan as your partner and teammate. Every person is different and every treatment plan is tailored to the individual. We practice docere or "doctor as teacher". We are here to listen to you and hear your concerns, as well as to teach you how to manage your current problems and prevent new ones.